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Take control and become the boss of your money by visiting with a financial counselor for a one-on-one appointment. Designed for adults. Registration Required.
Manage your money and find out how to maximize your future. Meet with a financial counselor to discover tools and strategies to enhance your finances and find out how you can build a successful, financially secure life.
Learn more about topics such as:
Credit review and repair
Improving credit scores
Spending & savings plans
Plans to eliminate debt
Financial goal planning
First-time home & auto-buying education
And more
Suggested but not required documents to consider bringing with you: credit report, list of monthly expenses, knowledge of your take-home pay (net monthly income), and list of debts, including debtor information.
Registration is required for one-on-one sessions at 2 and 4 pm; drop ins are welcome between 3 and 4 pm.