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STEAM with the Pioneer Library System
Collaboration between Pioneer and The Well
2023-05-14 15:00:002023-05-14 16:00:00America/ChicagoSTEAM with the Pioneer Library System"IO Blocks are Guidecraft’s friction fit building system influenced by virtual world design elements. Library Lab -
Sunday, May 14 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Add to Calendar2023-05-14 15:00:002023-05-14 16:00:00America/ChicagoSTEAM with the Pioneer Library System"IO Blocks are Guidecraft’s friction fit building system influenced by virtual world design elements. Library Lab -
Grow your readers! Enjoy books, songs, and activities that encourage language and pre-reading skill development. Designed for children of all ages and their caregivers.
Explore your interests and discover one of the
many ways that you can express yourself through
crochet. Designed for adults and teens. Registration Required.
Do you like to figure out how things work? Challenge your creativity and ingenuity in this come and go program on laser engraving. Designed for K-5th grade. Registration Required.
Receive and learn how to use a set of free educational toys for your 0-1 year old. The Early Birds help with early childhood education and school readiness for children under the age of 5. Register
Do you like to figure out how things work? Challenge your creativity and ingenuity in this come and go program through open exploration of music. Designed for all ages.